Business Coach & Marketing Expert

Currently the CMO of GigaProfits, a top-rated, results-driven software & marketing company offering the businesses everything they need to prosper and succeed in the outside world!

“Adding value to other people’s lives adds value to my life” – Paul Minhas

Let's Connect

I'm inspired to help you succeed!

Hi! I'm Paul, Founder of GigaProfits.

My mission is to help small business owners, and professionals run their businesses efficiently, survive in the competitive marketing environment, and grow in a variety of ways. I can help you make sense of today's marketing landscape through the marketing wisdom & insights from 25 years of experience. After being in multiple small businesses for over 25 years I realized that there are many hats to wear by business owners and that having the basics in business means to have your marketing, sales,service, finance & management all working in unison. That’s where GigaProfits came as an idea to integrate each of those areas together to complement each other while being able to improve and manage everything in one place online from anywhere, anytime!
If you’re a business owner running an online/offline business and struggling to sell your products or services, I can set your business on a lucrative path to success. I will evaluate your current marketing efforts and suggest improvements, plan and implement social media marketing campaigns for reaching the consumers.

Digital Marketing that is simple and makes sense!

Promoting your business online using your website, social media and advertisements can be a difficult task and is easily forgotten by many. My team can help you to finally accomplish your business growth goals while getting the right visibility online. We bring simple, tested methods that have already produced amazing results in countless businesses while customizing a plan according to your business services of products. Contact me today to transform your business!

You Grow & Everything Around You Grows!

Ad Campaigns

Paid Ads from Google, Facebook, Instagram or Bing have helped many businesses grow exponentially. My team specializes in search engine marketing, display, social media ads while also covering keyword research, defining the audience and monthly reporting.

Landing Pages for Custom Campaigns

Our Advertising is made for any business, organization or association that wants to simplify their procedures.

Search Engine Optimization

My Team will review and set up your local SEO which helps to be seen more on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. This is more of a long term strategy which can help you business for many years to come.

Video Ad Marketing

Over 80% of people online watch videos. Don’t get left behind by not adapting to the changing trends. We can help you create compelling video content and help market videos on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram.

Sales, Staff, and Client Management customized for your Business

I will help you create a Custom Sales process and have your staff use that same process to Convert your Leads into Clients who in turn pay for your Services & Products through our platform.

Conversion Websites

Already have a website? Well, Imagine a second website which is more geared to conversions. What are Conversions you ask? Well this is simple, people will visit your website and either leave or request info. Conversion websites are specifically designed, tested and proven to bring you more leads, Online bookings, Online Sales, Clients for your services & Products!

Business Types I Deal With!

  •   Health & Fitness

  •   Real Estate / Mortgage

  •   Home, Auto & Life Insurance

  •   Dentists / Lawyers

  •   Wellness / Massage

  •   Home Services / Freelancers

  •   Local / Home Business

  •   Coaching / Consulting

  •   Online Services / Products

  •   Other Business Types

  •   Health & Fitness

  •   Real Estate / Mortgage

  •   Home, Auto & Life Insurance

  •   Dentists / Lawyers

  •   Wellness / Massage

  •   Home Services / Freelancers

  •   Local / Home Business

  •   Coaching / Consulting

  •   Online Services / Products

  •   Other Business Types

Contact Me